Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When I am feeling blue...

Sometimes I hate it sooooooooooo much.

There was a time I used to love trying out new dishes. Oh, those were the days!
Cooking has now become more of a daily monotonous ritual & I no longer derive the same sense of triumph I used to earlier.
Much to almost an open-mouthed shock of my mother, I first landed up in kitchen after my plus two exams to try my hand at Shahi Paneer with the aid of a cook book. This was done solely to impress my parents. The rest , as they say,  was history. I earned lots of appreciation, genuine or from a sense of courtesy, I have no idea. It inflated my pride and I became a regular in experimenting with one or two dishes almost everyday.
By the time I finished my post graduation, I guess I could invite and cook for five to seven people at a time. So much for my confidence at culinary skills.
Employment and marriage interevened and with these, a clock controlled routine.  Job on the one side, hubby on the other- each demanding my attention- and I in between, trying to manage both the fronts with elan like every other super woman.
Now if interesting news or programmes grab my attention; if I simply wish to while away the hours lazily; if there are deadlines to be met or if I do not wish to cook...
I shriek in the kitchen-   yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cooking!!!
O God, produce an Alladin's genie to take care of it please!
And then after some time...
I feel like trying out a new dish and  go back enthusiastically to COOKING.The appreciation on the face of the usurper of my food is a reward I cannot let go in the hands of any outsider on hire except in an emergency.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Syndrome

Has it ever happened with you- to awake very late from the cosy confines of a warm blanket and not to feel like doing anything?
Recently I fell victim to a sort of  'hallucination'
The whole day I relaxed and called up a few of my friends to enquire their howabouts and wondered aloud why were they in office even on a Sunday...
I relished my favourite cuisines without taking care to cook. The prompt 'deliveryman' arrived within 20 minutes of receiving the order.
It was Sunday of course so what was the hurry... The 23rd of January, 2010. Oh, why aren't there two or three Sundays in the calendar that we follow!
One of my colleagues had called up at 10 to find out if I was unwell and I said 'yes' to ward her off...
The next morning I readied up hurriedly as usual for my office when the newspaper declared loudly- THE SUNDAY TIMES OF INDIA
Oh, I had messed  Saturday up with Sunday...(Not that I regretted it except cooking up an excuse for a leave from the office)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A New Beginning

I've wanted to write for quite some time now. What held me is a good question to ask. Two factors: laziness and forgetfulness. I vow to continue this time unlike the last when I was here but for the fact that I later forgot my password as well as email id with which I had registered as a beginner on
Is it too late to start or rather, re-start? No. So I am happy to announce:
Folks, I am back to doing what I had once loved as a teenager- maintaining a diary. The only difference will be its online manifestation now.
Hope to connect well with fellow bloggeres who are generating creative ripples in the waters of blogging.
Happy New Year to all of you.